You Too Can Help Preserve Ohio History!


You Too Can Help Preserve Ohio History!

“The tax check-off is an opportunity for Ohioans to help preserve their own history. It benefits Ohioans by supporting projects that help to preserve and share local and state history and to contribute to Ohios economy.”
Burt Logan
Ohio Historical Society Executive Director and CEO

Ohioans have opportunity to make history through tax check-off donations to the Ohio Historical Society’s statewide matching grants program, the History Fund.

What is the Tax Check-off?

The Ohio Historical Society is now one of four “tax check-off” funds found on Ohio’s personal income tax form and offers Ohioans a simple way to help preserve their states history.

The funds generated from the tax check-off go into a competitive matching grants program, the History Fund, which supports the preservation and sharing of Ohio’s heritage by funding local, regional, and statewide projects, programs, and events related to the states history. Projects may include the rehabilitation of older buildings, natural history projects, archiving projects, archaeological digs, educational programs, exhibits, and similar efforts across Ohio. The Ohio Historical Society serves as the administrator of the History Fund and is not eligible to apply for grant funds.

How do I donate a portion of my refund to the History Fund?

Ohio residents filling out their state tax forms can simply complete a box specifying how much of their refund they wish to allocate to the Ohio Historical Society’s History Fund.

How Did the Tax Check-Off Become Possible?

The tax check-off was created in the states two-year budget that was signed into law by Gov. John R. Kasich on June 30, 2011. The legislation allowing for the change in state tax forms was initially brought to the General Assembly by former State Rep. Kathleen Chandler (D-Kent) in 2005. State Rep. Randy Gardner (R-Bowling Green) re-introduced it in early 2011 before it was enacted in the state budget. On previous years 1040 forms, Ohio residents have had the option of donating to causes such as wildlife conservation, nature preserves, scenic rivers, and the protection of endangered species. The Ohio Historical Society joined these programs on the 2011 Ohio tax form and will be on future tax forms.

What Resulted From its First Year in Operation?

In 2012 (tax year 2011), nearly 17,000 Ohioans voluntarily contributed an average of $8 per person to the History Fund. Thanks to these voluntary contributions, the History Fund in its first year of operation has over $100,000 in grant funds available for programs and events related to the states history.

The History Fund has received 64 applications for $891,000 in grant requests and the Ohio Historical Society hopes that the high demand for grants will inspire more Ohioans to give this year.

Grant recipients are announced at the annual Statehood Day event, February 27, 2013.

Find more information about the History Fund grant program and application process.

How can I donate if I don’t have a refund? 

Anyone may donate to the History Fund, by sending a check directly to:
Ohio Historical Society
800 E. 17th Ave.
Columbus, OH 43211

Make check out to “Ohio Historical Society” and note “History Fund” on the check.

Posted February 11, 2013
Topics: Archaeology

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