What a busy and eventful week! Actually it was so chock full that there will be two submissions posted.
First, on Saturday the 22nd a couple students volunteered to uncover the excavation units for Fort Ancient’s ‘Beat the Heat: Family Fun Day’. Many people came by and were treated to tours of Trench A and B and interpretations of the various features. One family enjoyed their time so much, they went home, baked some delicious zucchini bread and brought it back to the site the next day. Accompanying the bread was the following note “For my new ‘Ancient’ friends and the Awesome ‘Dig Team’. Family Day was memorable. Thank you, Virginia Harper.” Kudos to Brian Beiersdorfer and Angela Chavez for making their day special!
As with the previous weeks, people continuously came by to see what was being uncovered. Sometimes by the bus load. Participants in an Ohio Historical Society workshop ‘Landmarks of American History: Mounds, Earthworks and the Pre-History of the Ohio Valley’ came to Fort Ancient on Wednesday to tour the site, museum, listen to presentations and view the excavations. Pictured here is WSU student Kate Ripple explaining the excavation process and the information they have recovered from Trench A.
Afterwards the workshop attendees visited Trench B and then broke for lunch. Several of the participants took quick bites and returned to the excavation. One in particular was so interested in the proceedings that she jumped right in and helped screen for artifacts. Here is Laura Macaluso from Milford, Connecticut holding a piece of pottery she found just moments before.