Collections Spotlight: Photographs from the Columbus Citizen-Journal
The newspaper's photograph collection gets a 2025 update, preserving more than 24,000 images and making them easier to access.
Enjoy an evening of free presentations about recent discoveries in Ohio archaeology on Thursday, October 7 in Classroom 1 at the Ohio Historical Center in Columbus.
7:00pm: Dr. Robert Riordan, Wright State University: The Moorehead Circle at Fort Ancient: preliminary results of the 2010 Wright State University Field School Excavations. What are the latest discoveries at the highly complex Moorehead Circle, a Hopewell ceremonial feature at the Fort Ancient Earthworks? Could these discoveries change the way we look at prehistoric architecture?
7:30pm Christine Keller, Ball State University: Glacial Kame Sandal Sole Shell Gorgets: An Exploration of Manufacture, Use, Distribution and Public Exhibition. The sandal sole shell gorget is one of the diagnostic artifacts of the Late Archaic Glacial Kame culture. This presentation focuses on recent research on sandal sole shell gorgets. What were the results of the research? Come and find out!
8:00pm Dr. Jarrod Burks, Ohio Valley Archaeology, Inc.: Excavations at the Rankin House State Memorial. In 2010 OVAI was contracted by OHS to conduct archaeological investigations in the lawn of this historic abolitionist residence. What they found was quite interesting indeed!
8:30pm Dr. Annette G. Ericksen, Hocking College: Results of the 2010 Fieldwork at Pickawillany, Miami County, Ohio. Pickawillany, a 1750’s Miami Indian village and English trading post is the location of the first historically recorded conflict in what would become Ohio. What did the Hocking College students discover this year?
In addition to the talks, participants can try their hand at identifying artifacts from the Society collections at the “Whatzit?” table.
Come join us in the celebration!
For additional information please contact Linda Pansing, Assistant Curator or Archaeology at [email protected] or 614-298-2061.
Ohio Archaeology Month is an annual event coordinated by the Ohio Archaeological Council. The mission is to promote awareness of Ohios cultural heritage as revealed through nearly 200 years of archaeological research. A series of statewide educational events designed to highlight archaeological research throughout Ohio are planned. Detailed information on each event can be found on the Ohio Archaeological Councils website