January 30, 2024

2024 Newark Earthwork Open House Dates

Save the Dates! A few times a year, visitors are invited to fully experience all three segments of Newark’s Hopewell Ceremonial Earthworks. Inscribed as an UNESCO World Heritage site in 2023, these massive artifacts of creative genius served social, ceremonial and astronomical functions for their builders. The 2024 Open House dates are: Sunday, April 14th […]

November 14, 2023

Bring Hopewell Ceremonial Earthworks World Heritage Sites to Your Students

This writer was traveling in Iceland last week and stopped by Thingvellir National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site. When I chatted with their staff and told them I worked as a historian in Ohio, they immediately responded “Oh, you just got a new World Heritage site last month! Congratulations!” News travels fast if, even […]

May 25, 2022

Summer Solstice at Serpent Mound

Serpent Mound is a National Historic Landmark built by the ancient American Indians of Ohio. The effigy mound in the form of a snake with a curved tail has become an icon of Indigenous cultural achievements, primarily because of its enormous scale. It’s also on the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List ( for consideration as […]

February 24, 2021

Serpent Mound Management Update

Ohio History Connection will oversee management of site, work alongside Federally-Recognized American Indian Tribes

November 17, 2020

Alex Wesaw Joins Ohio History Connection as Director of American Indian Relations

October 21, 2019

American Indian Tribal Representatives to attend Tribal Nations Conference in Columbus, October 22–October 24

September 22, 2017

Fall Ohio Archaeological Council Meeting September 29, 2017