The House Finance & Appropriations Committee Chairman Rep. Vernon Sykes (D-Akron) has set public hearings on the impact of potential Senate budget decisions in Statehouse Room 313 at the following times:
Thursday, July 2 @ 3 pm
Monday, July 6 @ 10 am
Tuesday, July 7 @ 2 pm
We need your voice! Dont let Ohio History die! Please join us and other history supporters at the Statehouse and let the General Assembly know that HISTORY MATTERS!
You dont have to speak at the hearings, but we need you to demonstrate your support by filling the hearing room and halls.
The best days to attend are Monday and Tuesday.
If you are able to attend the event please let us know by emailing [email protected]. Rep. Sykes office will alert OHS when new information is available, or if changes occur to the schedule, etc. We will alert those that plan to attend via email as soon as possible.
If you have any questions, please contact OHS government relations office at [email protected].