If you needed an excuse to visit this iconic OHC site, I’m here to give you one. The Return of the Snakes is a family-friendly event run by our site parter, the Arc of Appalachia Preserve System, on June 27 from 10-4.
The largest collection of Ohio’s native reptiles and amphibians ever gathered in our state will be displayed at Serpent Mound, while teaching about their natural history, ecology, and conservation challenges.
Ohio’s native reptiles and amphibians on live display (don’t worry – both you and the animals will be completely safe).
For Adults: Presentations every hour by Ohio’s finest researchers & field naturalists – Ohio’s endangered reptile and amphibian species, identification, and natural history.
For Kids: Toad feeding, turtle pool, games, stories, and crafts. Touch a real live snake! Jr. Herpetologist hike for budding naturalists (please pre-register on the website).
Event Schedule: http://arcofappalachia.org/events/snakes-schedule.html.
Directions to Serpent Mound: http://arcofappalachia.org/visit/serpent-mound-directions.html.
We hope to see you there!