Today is the 69th anniversary of the Japanese attack on the US naval base in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Though it occurred thousands of miles away, the attack had an immediate impact on the people of Ohio and the nation. It marked the United States’ entry into World War II and thousands of Ohioans were drafted or volunteered for military service.
World War II era poster that references the Japanes attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.
This poster, which references the attack on Pearl Harbor, was one of many posters produced by the Office of War Information to communicate information about the war effort to citizens. An inventory of the World War II Poster Collection at OHS, call number State Archives Series 2829, is avilable in the Ohio Memory digital library. The attack inspired strong anti-Japanese sentiment in some Ohioans. This child’s tea set, catalog number H 88894.001-021, belonged to Suzanne Olmstead of Coshocton, Ohio. She recieved it from her grandfather. The dishes were for sale in a New Philadelphia, Ohio store whose owner pulled Japanese products from the shelves after the Pearl Harbor attack. The posters and toys are just a few of the many objects in the OHS collections that document the experiences of Ohioans during World War II. We continue to collect materials related to the homefront and military life. If you have questions about World War II collections at OHS write to us at Collections