oac 1Daniel Weintraub and Kevin R. Schwartz present a summary of the results of the recent archaeological investigations undertaken at Serpent Mound by ASC Group Inc. Their paper, “Long Shadows Over the Valley: Findings from ASC Group’s Excavations at Serpent Mound State Memorial” is available on the Ohio Archaeological Council’s website. Kevin Schwartz and the ASC Group team uncovered traces left by the Adena culture, the Fort Ancient culture as well as artifacts from the historic era.

oac 3

The ASC Group, Inc. team conducting excavations at Serpent Mound. The large, conical Adena burial mound is in the background.

They conclude that “continued  excavations of the area surrounding Serpent Mound will yield additional discoveries with the potential to influence future interpretations about the mound and the inhabitants of the plateau.”



Posted September 20, 2013
Topics: Archaeology

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