Provide the street address, city, and county for each record requested. OR the project name, lead agency, and date submitted to our office for review.
274 West Spring Street, Columbus, OH 43215
If the property is not associated with a single address, please make note of the area or other identifying information about the submission:
- Name of the Project, if known
- City
- County where the project is located
- Lead agency, if known
Livingston Sidewalk Repair, Columbus, Franklin, Ohio Department of Transportation
$0.25 per page plus a $10.00 processing fee per project (processing fee covers the cost of expenses related to the fulfillment of your order), 5-10 business days per project.
Once availability of your requested item(s) is confirmed, an invoice will be sent to your email. Once payment is received, allow 10 business days for each application requested.