Online Mapping System

SPECIAL NOTICE: As of July 10, 2023, the Online Mapping System is not available. We are working to resolve the issues and appreciate your patience.

While the OMS is not accessible, the SHPO is offering a data request service to assist with project planning. If you would like our staff to complete a data search for your project, please follow the instructions at this link. You will receive a response within 5-7 business days in most cases. Very large requests will take longer and will be handled on a case by case basis. Please note, data requests do not constitute initiation of consultation for Section 106 and/or ORC 149.53 coordination with the SHPO. To submit a project for Section 106/ORC 149.53 consultation, please see Submitting a Project for Section 106 Review.

The Online Mapping System is a GIS web application designed to provide qualified professionals with instant access to State Historic Preservation Office data. The site allows users to query and view maps of State Historic Preservation Office inventory data, create maps and export tabular data. The intention of this site is to promote the utility of GIS and spatial data as decision support tools for federal undertakings subject to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act and for scholarly research on Ohio history, architecture and archaeology. Subscribers to the Online Mapping System have the right to view and obtain information about cultural resources in Ohio and the responsibility to protect spatial information on sensitive archaeological and historic resources.

Available data includes:

  • National Register of Historic Places (all listings as points)
  • ​National Register Historic Districts (all districts as polygons)
  • Ohio Historic Inventory
  • Ohio Archaeological Inventory
  • Previously Surveyed Areas (archaeology and historic structures)
  • Ohio Historic Markers (points and link to related data)

Following subscription, authorized users must register and create a username and password. Registration information is verified and accepted by the State Historic Preservation Office before your account is activated. Please allow five business days for the subscription and registration process. The State Historic Preservation Office reserves the right to limit access to the Online Mapping System.

Historic County Atlases

A collection of historic county atlases for Ohio counties from the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Contact Us

Location Information

800 E. 17th Ave., Columbus, OH 43211
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