Applying for a Grant

Eligible projects fall into one of three grant categories: Bricks & Mortar, Organizational Development, and Programs & Collections.  History Fund grants are competitive and require matching funds, goods, and/or services from recipients.  Experts from history-related organizations across Ohio review applications and make grant recommendations. The Ohio History Connection administers the History Fund program.

Before you create an account and begin your application, read the Ohio History Fund Grant Guidelines.

The Guidelines

Ohio History Fund Guidelines

  1. Delineate professional standards and best practices that projects must follow
  2. Spell out eligibility requirements for applicants and projects.
  3. List the program’s three grant categories and describe the types of projects eligible under each. The three categories are Bricks & Mortar, Organizational Development, and Programs & Collections.
  4. State minimum and maximum grant award amounts
  5. Outline match requirements
  6. Stipulate durations of projects

History Fund Webinars

Want more information? Our prerecorded webinars can help. The "History Fund Help - Overview of Application" webinar is an introduction to the grant program and a detailed overview of the grant application. The "Digitization Nuts and Bolts" webinar will help you compile a strong application for a digitization project (it's more than buying a scanner). We originally hosted both webinars in 2016. The format of the application has changed since then, but the information in the webinar still applies.

History Fund Help Webinar

This webinar consists of three parts: a survey of the Ohio History Fund's grant guidelines, an overview of the actual online grant application, and answers to common questions. The overview of the online grant application walks you through the Ohio History Fund application section by section, focusing on those that our grant reviewers spend the most time with, the Project Narrative and Budget sections, followed by tips for completing the Applicant Information and other sections.

Digitization Nuts & Bolts Webinar

Considering a grant for a digitization project? Digitization Nuts & Bolts will help you learn how to strengthen your application and improve your project's chances of being funded, including how to incorporate the details reviewers are looking for. Using real-life examples, presenters will discuss standards and best practices, the importance of a well-defined project, and how to address long-term access and preservation. Tips offered in this webinar are aimed at organizations without an extensive background in digitization projects but will also serve as a refresher for those with more practical experience.

Need More Information?

Location Information

800 E. 17th Ave., Columbus, OH 43211
(*Required Fields)