The Ohio Historical Society will hold the last open house of the year at the Octagon Earthworks on Sunday, Oct. 18, allowing the entire site to be golf-free on this day. Visitors will be able to enjoy both the earthworks and the colorful fall landscape. This years event is help in conjunction with Newark Earthworks Day on Oct. 17.

The site will be open to the public daylight hours with special programs being offered from noon to 4 p.m. Activities include:

12:00 noon – 4 p.m. On-Going Activities
The Ohio Historical Societys History-to-Go van will provide a number of hands-on activities for children and adults alike.

12:30 -3:30 p.m. Tours
Guided tours of Octagon Earthworks will be led by OHS staff and volunteers every hour.

2 p.m. The Tarlton Cross: An Ohio Effigy Mound?
Dr. Michael Mickelson, Professor Emeritus at Dennison University, will discuss how the origin of the Tarlton Cross, one of the so-called effigy mounds of Ohio, is uncertain. Although it has been suggested to date from the Hopewell period there are indications that it may date from a later period. Archaeological research has not provided carbon dates at this time nor have significant artifacts been recovered that would help to assign a date this site. This presentation will suggest a late prehistoric date for the site.

4 p.m. Programming concludes. Site will be available until dusk.

The Octagon Earthworks is a part of the Newark Earthworks, a complex that is 2,000 years old and at one time covered approximately four square miles. Built about 2,000 years ago by the Hopewell culture, the Newark Earthworks is recognized as a National Historic Landmark and has been declared Ohios official prehistoric monument of the state. The site is now being considered for nomination to the World Heritage List.

The Octagon Earthworks has operated as a golf course since 1910, and the Ohio Historical Society has administered the site since 1933. Moundbuilders Country Club leases the site from the Ohio Historical Society. While portions of the Octagon are open every day during daylight hours, the open house will be the final opportunity to see the entire site this year.Visitors also are welcome to tour the earthworks on their own, but are asked to please stay off the mounds and golfing greens. There are no restroom facilities at the buildings. Admission is free.

For further information, please call 800-600-7178

Posted October 8, 2009
Topics: Archaeology

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