Collections Spotlight: Photographs from the Columbus Citizen-Journal
The newspaper's photograph collection gets a 2025 update, preserving more than 24,000 images and making them easier to access.
Ancient Knowledge, Modern Mystery
Newark Earthworks Day, Oct. 14, 2006
Ohio State University at Newark
Reese Conference Center
For more information call 1-740-364-9584
Schedule for the day
Morning Sessions:
Welcome by Jeff Gill, Newark Earthworks Day Host
Procession of Honored Guests from Hopewell Hall into the Auditorium
Intro: The Honorable Jay Hottinger, Ohio State Senator, District 31
“The Newark Earthworks: Ohio’s Prehistoric Monument”
The Newark Earthworks Committee of Miller Elementary, Newark City Schools
Intro: The Honorable Jay Hottinger, Ohio State Senator, District 31
“Taking a Stand for the Newark Earthworks:
Teaching, Learning and Changing the State of Ohio
Legislature in the Classroom”
Kristine Cartwright, Garfield Elementary, Teacher In-Service
Glenda Reynolds, Kirkersville Elementary, 2nd Grade Science
Stori Delancy, Kirkersville Elementary, 2nd Grade Science
Mat Dunham, Lincoln Middle School, Moundbuilders Club
Intro: Ms. Sande Garner (Cherokee), Newark Earthworks Center and Dept. of Comparative Studies
“Multigenerational Trauma and the Healing Journey of a Dacotah Woman: Zitkana Ho Waste Wiyan”
Ms. Carol Welsh (Sisseton-Wahpeton), Director
Native American Indian Center of Central Ohio
Intro: Dr. Jay Miller (Delaware), American Indiaen Studies-OSU
“Self Determination and Moundbuilding”
Second Chief Alfred Berryhill, The Creek Nation, Okmulgee, Oklahoma
12:00 Lunch Break
Please visit our vendors and exhibitors in the Ballroom
Lunchtime Sessions in the Reese Center:
“The Astronomy behind the Lunar Alignments at the Newark Earthworks”
Dr. Michael Mickelson, Physics & Astronomy Department, Denison University
12pm 1:00pm, Reese Center rm TBA
Come donate your earthworks story to the Oral History Archive!
Open 10am – 4pm. Newark Earthworks Story Booth
Dr. Katey Borland, Comparative Studies and Dr. Michael Sherfy, History
Reese Center TBA
Afternoon Sessions:
Intro: Dr. Richard Shiels, Newark Earthworks Center
“From Sunrise to Moonrise: Cahokia and Newark”
Mr. William Iseminger, Assistant Site manager at Cahokia Mounds State
Historic Site and World Heritage Site
Intro: Dr. Michael Mickelson, Physics and Astronomy Department, Denison University
Exploring Lunar Architecture in Newark
Dr. Robert Horn, Professor of Philosophy, Earlham College
“Geometry and Astronomy at the Newark Earthworks”
Dr. Ray Hively, Professor of Physics, Earlham College
Intro: Dr. Chad Allen (Cherokee), Department of English, OSU-Columbus
“Sovereignty and History: Confessions of a Native Archaeologist”
Dr. Robert Warrior (Osage), English & Native American Studies, University of Oklahoma
Intro: Dr. Richard Shiels, Newark Earthworks Center
“The Shaman of the Newark Earthworks”
Dr. Bradley Lepper, Curator of Archaeology, Ohio Historical Society
Concluding Remarks and Closing
American Indian Feast
Hosted by the Native American Indian Center of Columbus, Ohio
Hopewell Hall, Ohio State University at Newark
Tickets: Adults: $10, Children: free