The Manuscripts & Visual Resources Team at the Ohio Historical Society is pleased to announce that a variety of new collections are cataloged and available to researchers. These original manuscript and photographic collections are housed at the Ohio Historical Center in Columbus, Ohio. They are available for use in the Archives/Library reading room to the public during open hours. To find out more about the collections on the list, please got to our Online Collections Catalog, You can search for collections by the call number or keywords in the title.
Call Number Title
SC 3030 Andrew Johnson
SC 3746 George Hunt Pendleton
SC 5118 Harper’s Ferry, West Virginia
VFM 5777 Legacy, Inc. Records
VFM 5777 AV Legacy, Inc. Records Audiovisual Series
Our ability to catalog existing collections and make them available to researchers could be negatively impacted by further cuts in state funding to OHS. The Ohio General Assembly and the Governor have not passed the final state budget. If you have not done so, there is still time to contact your State Representative and State Senator. Tell them that history matters to you.