Collections Spotlight: Photographs from the Columbus Citizen-Journal
The newspaper's photograph collection gets a 2025 update, preserving more than 24,000 images and making them easier to access.
Coming to SunWatch Indian Village and Archaeological Park in 2013 — A series of four special presentations on Myths and Mysteries in Archaeology! Join us for four fun Saturday programs covering topics as diverse as ancient astronauts, pre-Columbian contacts, the Trojan War, and the Nasca Lines of Peru. Put these dates on your calendar now! 2013 AIA/SunWatch Presentation Series: Myths and Mysteries in Archaeology
Saturday January 19, 10:30am: Amorous Astronauts, Inkblots, and A Low Opinion of Our Ancestors: the Ancient Aliens Fantasy presented by Dr. Ken Feder from Central Connecticut State University
Saturday February 16, 10:30am: The Newark “Holy Stones”: Science, Politics, and Religion in 19th Century Ohiopresented by Dr. Brad Lepper from the OhioHistorical Society
Saturday March 2, 10:30am: Assessing the Historicity of the Trojan War: Excavations at Troy 1988-2010 presented by AIA National Lecturer Dr. C. Brian Rose from the University of Pennsylvania
Saturday April 20, 10:30am: Sacred Spaces and Human Sacrifice: the Nasca Lines in their Cultural and Religious Context presented by AIA National Lecturer Dr. Christina Conlee from Texas State University at San Marcos
For more information contact SunWatch Indian Village at 937-268-8199, or [email protected]