Spring 2013 Meeting and Workshop:
April 20-21, 2013
Call for Paper and Posters
Final Submission Deadline: March 18, 2013
The Tempered Past: Prehistoric Ceramics of the Midcontinent
The Indiana Archaeology Council will be holding its spring 2013 archaeology meeting and workshop at the Taylor Center of Natural History at Strawtown Koteewi Park on Saturday April 20, 2013 and at the Indiana State Museum on Sunday April 21, 2013. This years theme is Prehistoric Ceramics. All papers and posters will be presented on Saturday, and a hands-on workshop will occur on Sunday. Those interested in presenting a paper or poster should send an abstract (150 words maximum) no later than March 18, 2013 to:
Kim Smith
AMEC Environment and Infrastructure
201 S. Capitol Avenue Suite 200
Indianapolis, IN 46225
Email: [email protected]
Please indicate your preferred presentation format with your abstract submission. Participants will be allocated 15 minutes per oral presentation, with a 5 minute discussion period post presentation. Posters will be hung throughout the halls and lab room at Strawtown with ample time to discuss with the authors (you need not stand by your poster). Please feel free to recycle/reuse any poster presented in the past for this workshop.
** This event is open to the public. Members and non-members are encouraged to participate **
***We are also hoping to create a handout packet (similar to last year) to provide on Sunday for reference material. Please also contact us if you have reports, guides, etc that you would like to provide for this as well***
Other conference detail will follow!