The Ohio Holocaust and Genocide Memorial and Education Commission
The Ohio Holocaust and Genocide Memorial and Education Commission, established in December 2020 through state legislation, consists of 15 members appointed by the Governor. Tasked with gathering and disseminating educational resources on the Holocaust and other genocides, the Commission promotes awareness of these important issues and advises state government officials on relevant matters, as outlined in Ohio Revised Code Section 197.08.
We envision an Ohio where Holocaust and genocide education is accessible to all Ohioans to build a more informed and engaged society. By coordinating efforts across the state, we aim to amplify the impact of this education through high-quality programming for students and teachers. Additionally, we are dedicated to memorializing the Holocaust and other genocides in every county, ensuring their memory is preserved for future generations.
For more information including meeting notices, please visit our website.
Executive Director:
Andrea Brookover - email at [email protected]
Director of Education:
Jodi Elowitz - email at [email protected]
Outreach Coordinator:
Emily Brokamp - email at [email protected]
Public Appointees:
Brad Beach, PhD, North Canton
Mark Swaim-Fox, Cleveland
Rhonda Sheakley, Cincinnati
Robert Friedman, Bexley
Robin Judd, PhD, Bexley
*3 vacancies*
Ohio House:
*2 vacancies*
Ohio Senate:
Senator Hearcel Craig
Senator Andrew Brenner
Ex Officio Members:
Major General (U.S. Army, Retired) Deborah Ashenhurst, Director, Ohio Department of Veteran Services
Mike Duffey, Chancellor, Ohio Department of Higher Education
Stephen Dackin, Director, Ohio Department of Education & Workforce
Funding Opportunities for Ohio Teachers
“These stories need to be told and shared. They are real and people need to know that.”
-11th grade Ohio student on a visit to the Holocaust & Humanity Center funded by OHGMEC grant
Bring history to life through immersive field trips, inspiring guest speakers, and advanced professional development opportunities. The Ohio Holocaust & Genocide Memorial & Education Commission (OHGMEC) provides funding in support of grade 5-12 Ohio teachers seeking to further genocide education in their classrooms. Beyond our grant programs, we also offer professional development workshops and training sessions.
Visit to apply for grants and explore upcoming programs.
Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media to stay up to date on opportunities with the Ohio Holocaust and Genocide Memorial and Education Commission.