Four Ohio teachers, including Mrs. Elizabeth Crawford from Collins Career Technical Center in Chesapeake, Ms. Kate Fisher from Hyde Park School in Cincinnati, Mrs. Amanda Goodwin from Urbana Junior High in Urbana, and Mr. Frank O’Grady from Menlo Park Academy in Cleveland were selected to participate in this year’s National History Day summer professional development program. Four of only 98 selected teachers, they participated in the new course focusing on using online LIbrary of Congress resources to develop and support historical arguments. Over the course of the series, these teachers explored digitized primary sources from the Library of Congress, engaged in four live webinar programs and discussions with fellow educators from across the country, and developed resources to use with students in their classrooms.
National History Day is a member of the Teaching with Primary Sources (TPS) Consortium. “As a TPS Consortium member, we are thrilled to utilize the vast array of digitized primary sources made available online by the Library of Congress,” said National History Day Executive Director Dr. Cathy Gorn. “At the conclusion of this course, [teachers] will be able to share with their students the key strategies for researching, supporting, and presenting historical arguments backed up by these primary sources. This is a crucial skill in teaching and learning good history, and is especially valuable now when so many students and teachers across the country are engaged in remote learning due to the coronavirus pandemic.”
All selected teachers received free tuition, graduate credits, and materials for the online program.
For opportunities like this and to learn more about getting involved in Ohio History Day, the local affiliate of National History Day, click here.
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