Seeing how the Mayan Calendar thing was a big bust and its now safe to come out or if you are just suffering from a mild case of the wintertime blahs in general, you are invited to put a little sunshine back in your life by attending the Third Annual Digging the Past Archaeology Day at the Campus Martius Museum in beautiful and historic Marietta, Ohio.
The event will be on Saturday January 19, 2013, 9:30 am to 4:00 pm. The museum is actually built over the site of Campus Martius, the original fortified settlement at Marietta, constructed in1787 by Rufus Putnam, Manasseh Cutler and the other pioneers from New England. Marietta would prosper and go on to become the first permanent settlement in the Old Northwest Territory.
Marietta is also home to some of the best preserved prehistoric earthworks in Ohio. Conus Mound (left) was once part of an extensive set of flat topped mounds and earthen walls that covered much of present day Marietta. Conus is now the focal point of Mound Cemetery on Fifth Street in Marietta. It’s an odd artifact of history that there are more Revolutionary War officers buried in Mound Cemetery than any other single cemetery in the United States. There are also great local antique shops, the Rossi Pasta factory and the Marietta Brewing Company micro-brewery so there is plenty to see at the museum and to do in town to round out your trip. Digging the Past will include displays, presentations on current archaeology research, flint knapping and artifact identification. If you have a box of grand dads prized flint points and odd stones taking up space in your closet here is a great opportunity to find out what they are all about. Admission is$7 for adults and$4 for students. Its free for OHS members (a good reason to join) and children under 5. For further information call the Campus Martius Museumat 1-800-860-0145 or see the attached link.
I hope to see you there!
Bill Pickard