Day 8: 2008 Pickawillany Hocking College Field School

Day 8: 2008 Pickawillany Hocking College Field School

Thursday July 31 and the Hocking College field school at Pickawillany has come to a close. The excavation units are all mapped and filled in; little sign of all the action that has taken place over the past two weeks visible on the landscape.
We here at OHS want to thank those that have been such an important part of the project.

  1. Dr. Annette Ericksen and all the staff and students for their efforts this year. We look forward to more investigations next year!
  2. Urbana University for housing the workers during their two week stay.
  3. Volunteers Doug Angeloni, Jim Bartlett, Michael Dion, Veronica
    Frost, Erica Keener and Wes Keifer for donating 97 work hours to the project.
  4. Andy Hite and the Piqua Historical Area State Memorial staff.
  5. The Piqua Historical Area Friends Council for hosting a dinner for the students.
  6. Daryl Baldwin and George Ironstrake, representatives from the Miami Tribe of Oklahoma, for visiting with the students at the Friends Council dinner.
  7. To all the press that helped get the word out about this exciting work.
  8. And most of all to the public for all of their interest, enthusiasm and kind words. We hope to see you again next year!

Posted August 7, 2008
Topics: Archaeology

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