Hey OHS, writing this blog are 3 summer interns Malaina, Terry, and Chelsey.
Are assignment was to create a blog telling everyone about us and the program we are all from.
Malaina: What can I say about the program we are all from? Well the name is City Student TECH CORPS. It is a 32 week program that basically teaches student about technology, networking, and good people skills. Within the program we had to complete a 10 week summer internship. Terry, Chelsey, and I were placed here at the Ohio Historical Society. Were we have learned about metadata scanning, and inventory.
Terry: Personally, my experience with TECH CORPS was very enlightening. I learned so many new things and ideas that have enhanced my knowledge of computers, as well as employment and networking. Once obtaining these skills, I was able to apply them to my internship at the Ohio Historical Society, which was also an incredible experience.
Chelsey: While at the OHS I have learned many things during the Internship I have learned how to scan which is awesome because the photos are beautiful. My former knowledge has improved with the new skills I have obtained. I really enjoyed this whole experience. I have made two new best friends Terry and Malaina.
Malaina: Some more things that I had experienced is being able to make new friends. Terry and Chelsey helped me through working when I would had rather been at home sleeping but I am glad that I stayed and made it thtough because I had nothing but good experiences all through out. We ate at a different place at the Ohio Historical Society every day. We laughed a lot at silly things like pictures and just different things that we would blurt out. Things that people would have thought to be immature but we thought it was just hilarious it isnt that we are immature we just had to make the best of our days. I am very satisfied about my experience here.
Chelsey: I feel that the Ohio Historical Center has a great cause which is to preserve history and share it with whoever wants to be apart of it. With this you have to understand people that work at the OHS are very hard working and love their job. They are the people that want to be where they are at. They are very happy to be there and always brag.
Terry: Working at the OHS has given me good ideas for my future. Its has taught me good skills that I can use with my next jobs. I have been let in on the many goods and bads of working at a museum. The good being the feelings you fill when you see the work that you have done on the Internet and in the museum itself. The bad being that its gets a little boring working in the Digital Projects department. Theres little human contact but there is some.