As our only journalist president, Harding naturally examined all angles of a problem before making a decision. Celebrate President's Day by learning more about Warren Harding.
In 2015, the Ohio History Connection Manuscripts/Audiovisual Department received an unassuming 19th century Ohio account ledger which turned out not to be so ordinary...
Mary Church Tyrell, writer, suffragist and Black activist, attended Oberlin College and taught at Wilberforce University before beginning her lifelong campaign of tireless activism
Have you ever received a Christmas card from your mail carrier? This is fairly common practice around the country. But do you know where this come from?
Florence Fawley enlisted in the United States Marine Corps Women's Reserve where she became a Drill Sergeant. Soon she became the face of many military recruiting posters.
By looking at the buildings in Ohio Village, you can learn to sharpen your observation skills and build your old-building vocabulary, both useful as you travel Ohio.
From genealogy workshops to research guidelines, to textbooks: Check in with intern Quincy Balius to hear how their first six months at OHC have progressed!
We are proud to introduce the Celebrando! Project. Each year we will select three to four cultures to be represented by Ohioans who will share their ancestral heritage.
Recently the Gay Ohio History Initiative received a new collection from former Ohio native, Bryan Knedler. There is a lot to learn from Knedler’s documentation of his life.