Coshocton Tribune features an
historical overview of mounds found in Coshocton County, Ohio. At one point in the story, the author, Carole Etchells Cross, quotes an account in which a mound had been “plowed over to make the area level for farming” and she adds the parenthetical comment – “Cant you just see a modern archaeologist shudder?”
If she could see me, she would, indeed, see me shuddering. Ohio has lost far too many mounds to the plow and other activities that pay insufficient heed to our ancient heritage. Thanks to OHS volunteer Kellie Rogers for passing along the link to the story! There will always be a special place in my heart for Coshocton County archaeology, since that is where I did
my dissertation research on the distribution of early Paleoindian fluted spear points. Brad Lepper
Posted January 19, 2014