If you have been paying attention to the Weather Channel or if you are anywhere in or around Ohio you know we have had some pretty intense cold weather snaps recently. While winter is not the best time to work outside, when I have to I find it easier to keep my sense of humor and “just do it”. Complaining sucks the energy out of you and I’d rather use that energy for something constructive. Anyway, yesterday I received an email from one of our volunteers, Michael Dion, who evidently also has a sense of humor. She wrote “Sending deepest regrets from St Thomas — can’t wait to tell you all about it — incredible artifacts coming out of the ground. Stay warm!” Michael is working on an archaeological project recovering 2,000 year old pre-Columbian artifacts from a site in downtown Charlotte Amalie which was discovered last year during construction activities. The St. Thomas Source did an very nice article about the project and she is even pictured processing artifacts. Congrats Michael on your work! We look forward to welcoming you back with open arms and frost bit fingers! 🙂 Until then, this is the only “archaeology” I’ll be doing!