ART in STEM: How NASA Used Art to Design the James Webb Telescope

ART in STEM: How NASA Used Art to Design the James Webb Telescope

Special thanks to our guest contributor Chris Moynihan at the Armstrong Air & Space Museum for writing this month's blog.

At the Armstrong Air & Space Museum, the education staff embraces their roles as “informal” educators. Museums dedicated to the scientific history of America’s space program, such as the Armstrong Air & Space Museum, have a deep connection to concepts like creativity and critical analysis. These ideas don’t inherently seem opposed to each other, yet for some, debates arise between the use of the term STEM or STEAM. STEM, the shortened umbrella term for Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math, has long been the predominant term for educators and instructors alike, emphasizing the importance of systematic and ordered thought, along with careers associated with those ideas. STEAM, on the other hand, folds “Art” into the mix, a field hardly known for systematic thought and more for free-flowing imagination and uninhibited vision. 

Inside the museum is the Neil A. Armstrong STEM Inspiration Center, a space where our educators conduct engaging lessons focused on science and engineering, as well as engineering design challenges and encourage participants to develop critical thinking skills and collaborate with others to solve real-world problems. But does art fit in? While some would argue against the idea, the museum encourages a special blending of the two. STEM cannot be properly executed without the ideas encouraged by the arts. A perfect example is the James Webb Space Telescope. Webb is 100 times more powerful than Hubble and so big they could not launch it into space because it could not fit in the rocket. NASA was able to fold the mirror into a small component to fit in the rocket to launch. Designed by engineers to explore the vastness of space, its intricate design unfolds like an origami masterpiece once deployed. This works for art and do math teachers see a use in this? Geometry certainly can be taught using a relevant topic like the James Webb Telescope. We use it as an engineer design challenge to sharpen communication, critical thinking, and analysis skills using the beautiful marriage of art, math, and science. This concept is in a lesson credited to Robert J. Lang and can be found at the following link 

The key to both STEM and STEAM education is simple — hands-on learning. At the Armstrong Air & Space Museum, we prioritize engaging students directly in their educational journey. Hands-on learning is crucial to enhance students’ creativity to blend the arts with STEM concepts. Combined both skills will serve them well in any future path they take.  Through the integration of STEM and STEAM with a focus on experiential learning, the museum aims to inspire all students to become lifelong learners, a mission that lies at the heart of all our staff and lessons.  


Webb and Origami. Accessed December 26, 2024. Webb and Origami. Accessed December 26, 2024.  


Blog image citation: Stover, Desiree. "James Webb Telescope". Photograph. Public Domain, NASA.

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