transformationThe Ohio Historical Societys new exhibit Transformation features artifacts that reflect some kind of profound personal, social or environmental transformation. Like its predecessors in this exhibit space, Controversy I and II, the exhibit relies principally on the iconic power of the objects rather than extensive interpretation to allow visitors to make their own connections to the histories embodied in the artifacts.

In the case of Amunet, the possible transformations she expresses are manifold. As a mummy, she represents the ancient Egyptian process of transformation from a living person to one who has passed on.

She also was transformed by being separated from her own machinery of afterlife and placed in someone elses coffin to become a part of an exhibit in a strange land.

Finally, she now has been transformed from a mere prop in a somewhat sensational exhibit of someone else’s story into a person with her own identity and stories, which are being revealed through scientific, medical and historical research.

Amunet and Neskhonspakhered side

Transformation opens at the Ohio History Center in Columbus on Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2013. The exhibit is free with Ohio History Center museum admission, which is $10/adult, $9/senior, $5/ages 612 and Free/age 5 and under. Ohio Historical Society members enjoy free admission to the Ohio History Center museum and Transformation.

Museum hours are WednesdaySaturday 10 a.m.5 p.m. and Sunday Noon5 p.m. Questions? Call 800.686.6124 or visit

Transformation will be on exhibit at the Ohio History Center through March 30, 2014.


Posted September 11, 2013
Topics: Archaeology

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