The Newark Earthworks are the largest set of connected geometric earthworks in the world. Originally, they covered more than four-and-a-half square miles. They are a National Historic Landmark, Ohio’s official State Prehistoric Monument, and are part of the Hopewell Ceremonial Earthworks, which is on the United States Department of the Interior’s Tentative List of sites to be considered for nomination to the United Nations Educational and Scientific Organization’s World Heritage List.
Nothing can take the place of actually visiting the site and walking where the ancient American Indian pilgrims walked, but here is a link to a video that was part of C-SPAN’s “2012 LCV (Local Content Vehicles) Cities Tour” in which I can give you a virtual tour of the remnants of this monumental ceremonial center:
I hope you enjoy the tour and that it inspires you to someday come and see the site for yourself!
Brad Lepper