The Arc of Applachia, in cooperation with Hopewell Culture National Historical Park and the Heartland Earthworks Conservancy, is offering a guided tour of the Fort Hill Earthworks.

Immerse yourself in the enigmatic constructions of the people known as the Hopewell Culture with two experts in interpretation and archaeology. Join ranger Bruce Lombardo for a guided hike to the ancient earthen enclosure at the top of Fort Hill, and then to the almost unknown Circle Mound, tucked away off one of the preserves hiking trails.

Following this will be a presentation on the numerous geometric enclosures of the Hopewell Culture found in southern Ohio by Dr. Jarrod Burks, a leading researcher on these structures. The Fort Hill Eathworks site is not just a monumental hilltop enclosure listed on the National Register of Historic Places, it’s also a National Natural Landmark!

When: Sunday May 20, 2012 — 9:30 AM-4:00 PM

Cost: $15 per person — lunch included.

Space is limited. Please visit the Arc of Applachia’s website for more details and registration information:

Arc of Appalachia Fort Ancient Tour

Fort Hill is managed by the Arc of Appalachia on behalf of the Ohio Historical Society

Posted May 5, 2012
Topics: Archaeology

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