Bone and Stone Artifacts of the Prehistoric Peoples of Ohio More Than Arrowheads: New ideas about ancient tools; artifact identification

serSATURDAY, AUGUST 16th, 1:00 PM AT SERPENT MOUND! Bone and Stone Artifacts of the Prehistoric Peoples of Ohio More Than Arrowheads: New ideas about ancient tools; artifact identification Presented by Gary Argabright, Mound City Chapter of the Archaeological Society of Ohio FREE to the public, no registration required, parking fee $8.00 per car When most people think about Native American stone tools, they usually think of just arrowheads, but in reality there was an immense breadth and diversity of stone tools crafted by Native Americans on Ohio lands. Gary will discuss how many less familiar ancient tools and artifacts were used, and what they reveal about the people who used them. On display will be a large selection of prehistoric artifacts from Garys extensive collection which will aid in illustrating and documenting his teachings. This is the third and last lecture in our Serpent Mound summer lecture series. The public is invited to bring any Native American artifacts they may have in their possession about which they wish to learn more. For More information: Photo: Serpent Mound by Kip May.  

Posted August 4, 2014
Topics: Archaeology

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